2012 Memory LogbookReal Life Scrapbooking Weekly Challenges: Time Capsule

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Fun Blog Hop - July 6-8

I'm back with yet another Blog Hop this weekend! All I can say is it's a good thing I had these blog hop pieces done a couple weeks ago. I am at the tail end of my first vacation of the summer, and I have not had much time to design while I've been away.  As it is, I am later posting this tonight than I had intended (since my intentions included pre-loading this post, I'd say I'm a little off!).

The Ahhh Scrap blog and Facebook hop will continue for a short time yet, before all the pieces will be bundled up and sold in the store. Until then, you can find the hop list in this post.

Today's hop is full of fun summer sun!

If you are traveling here via the sumer blog hop, you have arrived from http://moniquehelfrichdesign.blogspot.nl.  Thank you for visiting.

This mini will be available until Monday 7/9 at which point I will take down the links to prepare the mini for my stores. Hope you enjoy your mini and the blog hop as a whole! <Hop is over, links expired>

My shops can be found at Ahhh Scrap and Funky Playground Designs, and I am on Facebook also!

The next stop on the blog hop is Pamla Klenczar. If you get lost along the way, a complete list of blogs can be found at the first stop: Three Owls in a Nest.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ahhh Scrap Blog and Facebook Hop!

Welcome to the Ahhh Scrap Design team blog hop for July! This month we decided to offer our store collab as a blog and Facebook hop before putting it for sale in the store.

All portions of the blog hop will be available for 2 weeks before the whole thing is bundled up and put up for sale in the store.  I have 2 minis available in the hop, one here on my blog and one on my Facebook page. To download the portion from my blog, please click the link below the photo.

Download from Dropbox (direct download) or MediaFire

The next stop on the train is my Facebook page.  Simply "Like" Foosa Moon Creations if you haven't already, click the Freebies from FMC link below the cover photo, and the download link will be available there. If you don't like Foosa Moon on Facebook yet, you will be prompted to do so before downloading the Facebook portion of the hop. 

Thank you so much for stopping by! I will be back next weekend with ANOTHER blog hop just in time for summer!

Here are all the stops on this blog train, in case you get lost somewhere along the way.  Please remember that not all stops may be posted at exactly the same time this morning, but they should all be up today! 

Ahhh Scraps Facebook Page
Foosa Moon Blog
Foosa Moon Facebook Page
Busy Crafting Mommy Blog
Busy Crafting Mommy Facebook Page
One of a Kind Design Studio Blog
One of a Kind Design Studio Facebook Page
Just for Fun Designs Blog
Just for Fun Designs Facebook Page
Freckle Face Digital Designs
Piccolina Designs Blog
Piccolina Designs Facebook Page
Reminiscence Designs Blog

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New kit and a new store!

Well, for starters, I think we've established I am a poor blogger.  Here it has been almost 3 weeks since a post at this poor blog, but that doesn't mean nothing has been going on at Foosa Moon! Summer is in full swing here, which means my design time competes with my kids, and unfortunately for FMC it usually loses.

Three weeks is a long time to play catch up on, but I'm going to do my best!

First up is the announcement that I have opened a second shop at Funky Playground Designs.

I am slowly re-releasing kits over there, a couple a week until they are all moved over.  AND to celebrate the new move, BOTH my stores are on sale until June 30.

Next up, I had a new release along with my store opening.
available at AhhhScrap and Funky Playground

available at AhhhScrap and Funky Playground
available at AhhhScrap and Funky Playground

Old Glory reminds me of the 4th of July celebrations I grew up with. It wasn't so much about the fireworks as it was the parade, street fair, and family time.  It is available at AhhhScrap.com and funkyplaygrounddesigns.com.

As part of my grand opening at FPD, I re-released Lemonade Stand and Umbrella Party, so those are both available at Funky Playground now.

Lots coming up in the next couple weeks too! More new releases, more re-releases at FPD, a couple of blog hops, and who knows what else!  Until then! :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lemonade Stand Refreshed *New Release*

Gosh it's been a quiet spell.  The second half of May was a busy one at home, but I was able to sneak time out to expand my Lemonade Stand mini from The Design Factor Last summer, and today it is new in my store.

Lemonade Stand Refreshed available at AhhhScrap.com
Some new patterned papers and extra elements, and I am in love with this kit all over again. I had finished it up just before heading out on a camping trip last week, and couldn't wait to share it once it was finished.

I haven't had a chance to scrap with the new pieces yet, but here is a page I made last year, as well as some pages made by my friend, Jen. :)

Come by my Facebook page for an extra coordinating alpha!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Umbrella Party! *New Release*

If you have visited Foosa Moon Creations' blog for the May Blog Train, please click here to be taken to that post:  http://www.foosamoon.blogspot.com/2012/05/may-2012-blog-train-royal-wedding.html

I have a new release today (and my store is still on sale)! I have to say, even though I have been stewing on this idea for a couple weeks, it took me longer than I thought to put this kit together. Something about being in a summer mood and having snow fall made it difficult to focus on this project for longer than a day or two at a time (and when I can only work for a couple hours a day, that means a long time in process!).
Umbrella Party Kit available at ahhhscrap.com

Now that it's finished, I love it.  The bright colors, the umbrellas, all the sand, makes me wish summer really was here.  Our Mother's Day here in CO was cloudy and rather gloomy looking outside.  But when I talked to my mom in Washington, she said it was supposed to be sunny and upwards of 80 degrees!  Wow!

I also took some time to scrap with this kit while I was trying to decide if the kit was finished.  Both pieces of word art in the kit actually came out of the sample pages that I made.
Ok, so that second picture isn't really taken anywhere near surf or sand, but I figured if I cropped the photo close, no one would know unless I spilled the beans!

And now (while my son is busy making a mess in the kitchen) I'm heading to order new coffee...I used the last of my favorite flavor today!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 Blog Train - Royal Wedding

Welcome to everyone finding this blog through the Blog Train.

If you are following the blog train, you've probably come from ScrapinWright.  You are now at Foosa Moon Creations, and the next stop is Mariscrap.  If you get lost along the way, check back at the Blog Train blog. Before you head off though, be sure to grab my contribution below and check out what's new with Foosa Moon. Also, because there are designers from so many different time zones, please be patient if not all blogs are up and running at the same time.

To download my portion of the blog train, click on the link below.
Download here

Now that it's May, I've got a sale going on in my store.  Everything is 30% off for the entire month.

And I've got a new collection in the store tonight that matches the blog train colors.  This is a color scheme that's been on my list of things to do for some time, so I figured this blog train was a good time to get it done.
Ever After Full Collection
This collection contains 15 papers, 35 elements, and 2 alphas.  Each pack in the preview above is also available individually in my store (papers, tags and flags, stickers and words, and flora).

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web.  Please also check out my store and Facebook (where you'll find a fan freebie waiting).

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Upcoming for Foosa Moon

After a week of most of my family being sick, having 2 mortgage signings (finally re-fi'd!! Yay!!!), and my husband working the night shift (and so sleeping all day), I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and feeling a little better.

I wanted to pop in here on this, my neglected blog, to let you know about some of the things coming on for Foosa Moon during the next week.

I will have a post on Tuesday with a new blog freebie, as part of the Blog Train Blog.  This freebie will be available for free on the blog for the month of May.

There is also a new collection hitting my AhhhScrap store on Tuesday that coordinates with the blog freebie. I loved the color palette so much that I had to keep working with it once I was done with my blog train contribution.

I am also going to be keeping my store on sale for the entire month of May...not just the one weekend of NSD.  (Though watch for specials on NSD weekend!)  Sale starts Tuesday, May 1 and runs until Thursday, May 31.

(Oh, and want a sneak peak of the blog train and collection?  This ad was made with pieces from the collection and the blog train freebie!)

Now I'm off to catch up on more sleep before jumping back into the fray tomorrow morning! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bloom & Grow

I was on a role when making the mini for the blog hop last month, and ended up with enough material for a whole kit.  So this month, into my store it goes!  The sun has continued to shine (mostly -- my daughter did have a snow day the week after Spring Break) here in Colorado, though I wouldn't be surprised if we had another snow storm...it is only mid-April afterall! 

Bloom and Grow Kit

The full Bloom & Grow kit has 18 papers and 23 elements. 

I haven't found as much time to work in the last few weeks as I normally do, so feel like I'm a little behind where I'd like to be.  Hoping I'll be able get ahead of myself again in the next couple weeks! Eight weeks until summer vacation...and this is the first year I'm thinking I could extend the school year a couple weeks...I can expect my productivity to take a dive when both kids are home, unless I set up some kind of "mother's helper" situation with my oldest.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

AODD2 Blog Hop Freebie

If you're visiting by way of the AODD2 Spring Blog Hop, welcome!  You just came from Elaine Anjos Designs, and are now at Foosa Moon Creations, and your next stop will be Jeanie's Designs. If you get lost along the way, a complete blog list is available at Anna Janise Designs.  (Please be aware that there are bloggers from all different time zones and locations, so if a stop is missing, please be patient!)

Yay! The day for the Art of Digital Design 2 blog hop is finally here! Class ended in November, but because of the holidays, we decided to push back our blog hop until things calmed down in the Spring. At least, that was the plan.

I don't know about you, but things never really seem calm around here! We just had family in town for a long weekend, and had a great time, and my daughter has 4 more days of Spring Break before we can really get back into our regular routine.

<Link has expired>

My portion of the blog hop contains 4 papers and 6 elements. I love how bright and cheery this color palette was, and loved working with flowers as it's been warming up around here.  Won't be long and the flowers will be outside my window, in addition to on my screen! This mini will be available as a freebie here on my blog until March 31, so grab it while it's available! <Mini is no longer available>

I also am getting ready to change out my Facebook Freebie, so if you haven't snagged that, make sure to head over to Facebook and like Foosa Moon Creations. For the sake of my sanity, let's say the current freebie will last until March 31.

Thanks for stopping by my little section of the internet! My shop is at AhhhScrap.com, you're at my blog, and I'm on Facebook too. I would love it if you looked around and let me know what you think!

The next stop on the blog hop is Jeanie's Designs.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Haiku Pond

The final piece of the Haiku collection is here!

Haiku Pond
The great Springtime, almost Summery, weather is still hanging around here...to the point where there are already wildfires burning not too far away. I turned the sprinklers on for the first time today, and have someone schedule to aerate the lawn later next week.  Lots of new growth on the bushes, and soon everything will be green again! I also still have company here, so can't spend too much time on the computer, but I knew I needed to get this kit posted up!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Haiku Garden

The weather here has decided to start looking like Spring again, just in time for the 2nd release of my Haiku Collection.
Haiku Garden

Haiku Garden contains the green that is starting to appear, as well as the butterflies that will make there appearance a little later in the season. Ok, butterflies won't really be here until the Summer...but play along with me, here!  This kit contains 2 solid papers, 6 patterned papers, 3 buttons, 3 tags, 2 photo corner sets, 1 word art in sticker and rub on format, and 2 alphas. These pieces are designed to stand alone, or coordinate with Haiku Blossom (and the third Haiku set coming out on Monday)!

I'm taking some time off again this weekend to spend time with family. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are visiting from out of state, so we will be having lots of quality time while we can!  That being said, I will still be back in your inbox on Monday with the 3rd Haiku release.  When I started working with Haiku, Blossom was the set I worked first and thought would be my favorite.  In the end, the 3rd set is my favorite of the 3, if I'm going to play favorites!

See you Monday!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Haiku Blossom

As Spring has officially arrived (though the weather is back to feeling like winter around here), I have the first of 3 Spring themed kits that will be arriving in my shop over the next week.

Haiku Blossom
I wish the weather we had last week would have stuck around, but it is a little early here in Colorado to really truly feel like Spring. (Though a little rain wouldn't hurt at all!)

Haiku Garden will be arriving on March 23, and Haiku Pond will be revealed on March 26.

Also, if you haven't grabbed the current Facebook Freebie, hop over to the Foosa Moon facebook page and snag it before it's gone. I have a new freebie I will be posting that coordinates with the Haiku Collection!

And finally, the AODD2 blog hop will be kicking off on March 29. I have my hop goodies all zipped up and ready to go, and am excited to see what the other participants have created!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

For the Love of Books Collection

For the Love of Books has been released as a bundled collect.  Buy all 8 pieces together and save 25% off full retain price.  As a special, I've also discounted the collection another 30% off for this weekend only. The additional sale will end at 11:59 pm EDT Monday, at which point it will revert to the 25% discount.

For the Love of Books Full Collection
Did you know that if you spend $10 in the ahhhscrap shop, you get this month's store collab for free?  This month has a fun space theme, as March 20 is Extraterrestrial Abduction Day.  Who knew!
Add this kit to your cart and $10 worth of product to get Space Case for free.

It has been a beautiful week here in Colorado, making it hard to focus at the computer, but I am very excited for some of the upcoming projects I've been working on. What's coming up, you ask?  Well, next month's collab was due today, I have a new collection in QC at the time of this posting, AND I'm prepping for a blog hop with my classmates from Art of Digital Design 2.

Look forward to sharing all these exciting things with you!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

For the Love of Books!

All images are linked to product in the store

I am so horrible when it comes to remembering dates far in advance.  So it was with a chuckle that I realized I released the first half of For the Love of Books the day before Dr. Seuss's birthday.  I wish I could say I had planned that, but no, it was purely coincidence.

We celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday at my house by going out to buy a new copy of one of my favorite Seuss books: Fox in Socks.  I know we used to have a copy of it when my daughter was little and we subscribed to a book of the month type club, but it's either packed in a box in the basement, or it is long gone. We also picked up Oh the Thinks You Can Think.  I love Dr Seuss rhymes, both for their silliness, and the way they teach fun with language. I credit Dr. Seuss (and my husband's sense of humor) for teaching our daughter how to pay with words, and shout out "That's alliteration!" after hearing "push play" at a friend's birthday party at the age of 4.

I am back today (after my coffee and Peeps kick, rounded out with yogurt and granola) with the second half of the collection:  red papers, solid papers, hardware/software, and tags.

I have had a lot of fun playing with this kit, even after it was completed.  I put together this second page to show off some of the red papers and the frame set that was released last week.

And my friend Jennifer put this page together for me also.  Jennifer used to live down the street from me, but has since moved away.

It is fun to see her kids when they were younger, and in front of a tree I know so well!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

For the Love of Books and Leap Sale continues

All images linked to product in the store.
In my house, there are always at least 3 books floating around my living room.  This is in addition to the 100s upstairs in the bookshelves, and those stored in electronic form in my Kindle. We make weekly trips to the library, where my daughter brings home anywhere from 3 to 6 books, which only last her the week in between trips. My 2 year old is often found "reading" over one of our shoulders, or flipping through his own board books, or listening to audio books as he falls asleep. With that in mind, I created For the Love of Books.

This collection is made up of 4 paper packs and 4 element packs. I am releasing 2 of each today, and I'll be back with the remaining packs on Monday. 

Because this pack was inspired by real life events in my house, I have a sample to share with each release day!

Also remember that my whole store is on sale until 11:59 pm on March 1st!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

*Leap Sale* 30% off

In celebration of Leap year, I've put my whole store on sale. Part of me pulls my hair out every 4 years because I always forget it's a Leap Year, but the other part of me likes having an extra day in February. It makes it feel like time doesn't pass quite so fast.

Pick up any of my kits and packs for 30% off until 11:59 pm March 1st. 

 Watch for my next releases coming later this week!  I'll be rolling out my next collection over a couple days -- it turned in to a pretty big set.

Remember to grab my Facebook freebie before it's gone.  I'll be changing it up when my new release hits the store.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Release and Freebie!

Even though it hasn't been very busy here on the blog, I've been busy behind the scenes.  I spent a weekend inSalt Lake City at a workshop taught by Carina Gardner.  It was a fantastic experience, learning a little more about Illustrator, paper textures and patterns, and lots of fun! I haven't taken a trip without my kids since a few months before my youngest was born, so it's been over 2 years since I had a weekend to myself.  It was a very productive weekend, both in terms of knowledge gained and products completed.

One of the projects I finished that weekend was the new kit that went in to my store last night.
Love Letter Kit

There is also a matching pack of word arts and tags.
Love Letter Words & Tags

Love Letter is a kit that commemorates any love in your life. Be it your significant other, a child, a dear friend, or a furry friend. Shoot, I might even go so far as to say my coffee maker would look good on a page. Or maybe that's just too many late nights in a row?

I put together this desktop background with the kit. I try to make a new desktop every month to send to my mom.  I'm better at it some months than others. :)

The other new thing I have this week is a freebie on my Facebook page.  Head over to the Foosa Moon facebook page, hit Like, if you don't already, and on the left is a tab that says "Freebie from FMC".  That's where this freebie is located.
Love Letter Facebook Freebie

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Release - Project X Templates Vol 1

I'm back to my regular release schedule with a new set of templates today! On the 1st of the year, I decided I was going to tackle Project 365 and needed a set of templates to go along.

Project X Templates Volume 1
Each template has room for 31 photos, and are easily adapted for shorter months.  I can't wait to get one finished!

My intention was to upload my photos every couple of days and just plop them into the template, so that at the end of the month, everything was done!  Fast forward to today... I have only taken photos for 4 of the 9 days.  Oh well.  I'll try again, maybe for a one month project.  But my loss is your gain, as I have put the templates I prepared into my store.  Plans are in the works for some weekly templates also, look for those in the next week or so!